Mountain biking tour

The guided mountain biking tour starts at the hotel and finishes in the nearby Pambak village. The trail will amaze you with its beautiful landscapes and magnificent views of Lake Sevan.
During the tour you’ll be challenged by the terrain, biking up and down small mountains, crossing rivers and passing through forests. From Pambak village you can bike back to the hotel on the paved road.
Length: 7.6 km / 4.7 miles
Duration: 1.5 h
Difficulty lelev: medium
Booking: 1 day in advance
Participants: up to 4 persons
- 1 person - 35 000 AMD
- 2 persons - 27 000 AMD
- 3 persons - 24 000 AMD
- 4 persons - 23 000 AMD
The hotel provides bicycles, biking helmets and bottled water for the tour.